Rotary News
Southeastern PA member profiles, happenings, projects and impacts, locally and around the world.
Member Profile: Ellen Williams
Many people’s career paths take them far from their original goals. Ellen Williams of the Chestnut Hill Rotary Club is no exception. Upon graduation from the University of Delaware with a degree in criminal justice, she was offered a position as a parole officer. “I took one look at what the job entailed and said, “Oh no. This is definitely not for me!”
Response to U.S.’s Plan to Withdraw from World Health Organization
One of Rotary’s primary goals over the past several decades has been and continues to be to eradicate polio around the world. The following is a statement from Rotary International’s official response to the news of the U.S. likely pulling out of the World Health Organization.
Rotary Projects Around the Globe
Rotary clubs in 200 countries around the world identify local issues and take action to help solve problems and make their community better. This month features exciting and impactful projects from Rotary and Rotaract Clubs in Canada, England, India, Philippines, and the U.S.
Rising from the Ruins in Turkey
More than a year after two powerful earthquakes, Rotary’s relief efforts remain for many a path out of the wreckage.
Rotary Projects Around the Globe
Rotary projects make a difference in communities around the world. We use our knowledge of local issues to identify areas of need, then apply our expertise and diverse perspectives to find a solution. Here's a sample of projects that Rotary Clubs are doing around the world.
Rotary Commits Funds to Polio Outbreak Response in Gaza
The recent detection of variant poliovirus type-2 isolates in environmental samples and the confirmation of a 10-month-old child who has contracted polio in Gaza is a stark reminder that as long as polio exists anywhere, it is a threat everywhere.
Rotary Reels: Youth Exchange Opens Eyes
Meet James from Philadelphia Rotary speak about the impact that Rotary Exchange had on his life, establishing new friendships around the world and opening his eyes to different cultures and what we can do to better ourselves.
Rotary Projects Around the Globe
Rotary Clubs are hard at work every day to make their communities and the world a better place. Check out these projects our fellow Rotarians are doing.
Fighting Isolation in the Digital Age
If you're feeling isolated, you're not alone. Research shows that strong friendships are key to better health and a longer life.
Ending Polio Now Is So Much More!
Why do we continue to raise money to End Polio Now?
Because our fundraising does so much more than eradicating polio.
Member Profile: Charles Streitwieser
Most Americans don’t know that coffee fell out of favor after WWII and was replaced by soft drinks. It was brought back into style by Starbucks and similar retailers that created “specialty” coffee shops in the early nineties.
Rotary’s New Environmental Club: Making a Local Impact
“People who have a passion for environmental issues sometimes have a hard time finding an outlet for that,” says Sage Burdge, chair of the environmentally-focused Rotary club in District 7450. The Rotary Eco Club of Southeastern PA is giving members and guests opportunities to work towards a greener and healthier planet.
Feed the Future Project Completed
This project constructed a water pump at a local sustainable teaching farm, greatly increasing its production and training capacity. The pump allowed the farm to have year-round access to water, so that it could grow fruits and vegetables to provide to school lunch programs throughout the region.
New Rotary Peace Fellow Named to Help in Yemen
Rotary of Southeastern PA is very excited to announce that Dr. Mohammed Fakhry has been selected by Rotary International to become a Rotary Peace Fellow!
Member Profile: Stacey Ballard
Anyone who’s attended Rotary events such as Conferences, Women in Rotary Celebration, Million Dollar Journey, Virtual Chocolate and Beer Tasting, Octoberfest, or Night at the Phillies would have seen Stacey Ballard’s hand in the productions. She is everyone’s Go-To-Pro for major events in the Southeastern PA District.
Southeastern PA Projects Top $161,000 This Year
Southeastern PA Foundation Chair and Past District Governor, Peter Mardinly reported that there were 15 applications that were received and funded this past year for 12 local and three international projects, totaling more than $161,000.
Member Profile: Julianna Blazey
Julianna Blazey rushed out to stop a child who had just got off a school bus from walking in front of it to cross the street. It was a danger that had cost children’s lives, and she realized that something had to be done. So, she went home and invented what would be called a School Bus Safety Arm.
Clean Water Project in Senegal
Because Rotary International's theme for March is "Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene," we're highlighting the work of a District Rotarian to bring clean water to Senegal. West Chester Rotary's Dwight Leeper and his old friend Sam Lowry, from Alabama, are seeing their Rotary Global Grant through to completion.